

In order to connect with the Android device, install the accessories branch of the Enabler in the openxc-android project. The enabler app that works with the accessories is available here.

Be sure Bluetooth is enabled before trying to connect to the Modem. Once the Modem is running the main function, connect to the OpenXC-Modem from the Android device using Bluetooth. The password/pin code is “1234”.


The main method of configuring and setting up the modem or V2X device will be through USB from the device to a Windows PC. A program called Teraterm will be used to interface with the operating system on the device. To allow ease of use, a program called “OpenXC Modem Connect” will be used to automatically configure the connection settings.


Using OpenXC Modem Connect is suggested for easier and faster access to the Modem, although you may choose to manually configure TeraTerm to connect to the modem.

Download OpenXC Modem Connect here. Detailed instructions are available here.